Ёшкин кот!

I understand that this is an exclamation that can express annoyance, disappointment, surprise and so on, but what is this Ёшкин?

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agustin | 0 points - over 5 years ago

The phrase became very popular after the movie “Любовь и голуби” (Love and doves). The phrase itself comes from a character Баба Яга (Baba Yaga) and her cat. People turned her name in Бабка Ёшка (Babka Yoshka) and her cat received the name Ёшкин кот (Yoshka’s cat).

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agustin | 0 points - over 5 years ago

By the way, ёшка reminded me of another exclamation - ёклмн!

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kasi_kuhn | 0 points - over 5 years ago

I like this...I'm definitely adding it to my growing list of Russian expressions!

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